Friday, November 30, 2007


The world is coming to an end! NOT! Connor Buhaly

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Three Paths

By Mike Harvey. Posted by Emilee. Which one to take?

The Earth: 50 years from now

This was created by Yin Lum. Posted by Emilee. Yes this is what the world is coming to....
This is pretty dangsweet. It's sombody drawing Spider-man on Photoshop. yup. found it on youtube.
Katey Badaty

link here

MOCA art

MOCA website here

Posted by Alana


Made by HowlinWolf
posted by Rohan

The Magic Sphere

Also by Menicagli, but here's the link instead:
check it out it's cool.
Posted by Emilee

Water Droplet

Posted by Emilee. This picture was made by Stefano Menicagli.


Posted by Alana

Monday, November 5, 2007


Funky!! Connor Buhaly